Watch our livestream as we Find hope & new life in Jesus
Join us on Sunday mornings at 10 AM
1021 61st Street
Watch our livestream as we Find hope & new life in Jesus
Join us on Sunday mornings at 10 AM
1021 61st Street
Men's Bible Study starts back up on February 11th at 7 PM
Women's Bible Study starts back up on February 11th at 10 AM and 7 PM.
They will meet every Tuesday for the next 9 weeks.
Listen to us on both Radio by Grace (
and Revive Radio (
Pastor James & the team here at Calvary Galveston
We believe the Church belongs to and is ultimately run by Jesus. Its purpose is to exalt and enjoy God, to edify and equip the body, and to explain and expose Jesus to as many people as possible. It is led under Christ by Pastor James and elders who shepherd, oversee, and teach the flock with the help of servant-leaders who serve the needs of the flock—all so that the whole body may be equipped to do the work of the ministry as gifted and empowered by the Spirit.
We love Jesus, His word, the Church, and the people of Galveston.
We would love to see you at our next service.
Our church is for anyone who will come, but we realize that not everyone likes the way we do things—and that's okay with us. We refuse to cater to personal preference in our pursuit of God, and while everyone is important to us, we are more concerned with reaching the lost than pacifying the critics.
We believe Church should be simple and uncomplicated.
Our worship style is modern with the occasional classic mixed in. We are a church for anyone, but not for everyone.
We teach through the Bible (verse by verse)
From Adults to children, our goal is to magnify Jesus.
1021 61st Street (next door to Budget Blinds)
Sundays at 10 AM
You can watch services on Facebook (Calvary Galveston Island), Youtube or on our Watch page.
We would love to see you this Sunday at our Church in Galveston
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